While having a tattoo is a meaningful form of personal expression, Bramble realized he had gone too far, but by then, it was too late. His body was already covered in ink when he began to feel remorseful about some of his decisions.
All the tattoos and modifications cost him around $60,000 AUD, or about $39,000 USD.
Appearing on the LadBibleTV’s No Filter series, he shared, “I guess you could say I regret some tattoos. Not just regret, I think there’s a difference between regret and wanting to be perceived differently.”
Bramble opened up about how he feels when people stare, saying he can sense they are judgmental, especially when they see him with his daughter.
The face is a big thing that can lead to so many – for some people, not everyone – can lead to a lot of problems for yourself, which I probably wouldn’t want my daughter to have to deal with until she was a bit older,” he said. “I wish that I had not gone as hectic as I did on my face.”
I’ve been getting laser [surgery], or have been, for pretty much 12 months… We do it in sections, but I’ve probably gone over the full thing six or seven times,” he explained.
“I started getting it done because of the anxiety and stuff I was getting… Mental stuff is a funny thing to pin down, but I want to think that a lot of the anxiety was from just having a face full of tattoos
“I’m happy with the way that I look, but I’m also happy with the mentality that over the next two years, my face tattoos are going to become less and less and less. I’m just clearing the canvas.”
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